Masahiko Omori

Photo of Masahiko Omori

Masahiko Omori

Masahiko obtained his Master of piano unanimously at the CNSMDL in 2016 from Georges Pludermacher, then from Marie-Josèphe Jude. In 2017, he concluded his accompaniment training with David Selig, as well as his Master of Chamber Music. Masahiko began his musical studies very early in Japan, until the University of the Arts in Tokyo, where he studied with Hiroyuki Numata, then Tadashi Kitagawa. In 2007, he joined Pierre Reach’s class at the CRR in Paris. He obtained his DEM there, before entering the Advanced Cycle, and studied from 2010 with Billy Eidi with whom he continued to take private lessons on a regular basis.
During the summer of 2016, Masahiko will participate in the Berlioz festival in Isère with his trio Verthé, which he formed in 2013 with Tomomi Hirano (cellist) and Maria Nagao (violinist). They will also take part in the Flaine chamber music academy under the aegis of Abdel Rahman El Bacha and Yovan Markevitch, their chamber music teacher at the CNSMD in Lyon.
Masahiko holds a position of accompanist and coordinator of accompanying pianists at the École Supérieure de Musique Bourgogne-franche-Comté, and regularly accompanies the private lessons of Françoise Pollet, and willingly accepts to be a tutor for CNSMDL teachers preparing for concerts. He is also regularly called upon to accompany at the International Academy of Music in Flaine as well as at the International Summer Academy in Nice.
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  • 교수들이 주석을 단 악보를 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
  • 모든 기기에서 HD로 다양한 각도의 동영상이 제공됩니다.
마스터 클래스에 대한 접근은 제한되어 있습니다.
모든 마스터 클래스에 무제한으로 접근할 수 있습니다.
매달 새로운 비디오를 제공합니다.
세계 최고인 교수들과 독점 인터뷰를 진행합니다.
교수들이 주석을 단 악보를 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
모든 기기에서 HD로 다양한 각도의 동영상이 제공됩니다.